AfterMath - A LoD Modification for Diablo v1.10 Final

The AfterMath World


The AfterMath game has almost 250 maps in it - almost double the original Lord of Destruction expansion pack. Maps have been provided to you so that you can see where all the new additions are to be found. I encourage you to explore some of these new additions and in different difficulty settings. It is important to note that the NPCs responsible for moving your character from one Act to another have been removed from town. You will need to explore to find them. The maps to which these NPCs are now found on are protected by anti-rushing aurae that will slay the unsuspecting and unexploring character.

A number of waypoints have been added to make the journey easier. The Barnyard (originally the Moo-Moo Farm) can only be reached after defeating Baal. You require items to create a portal.

The entire Act IV region of the game has been significantly edited. When characters defeat Diablo in the Chaos Sanctuary, they find an ancient Horadric sword among the remains. This sword has a faint glimmer of magic left on it that seems to spawn a portal to the Pandemonium Fortress; however, the portal magic is weak and the sword has been corrupted. It can be expected that this portal sword will fail in all areas save those at the outer edges of Hell.

All other waypoints are accessible by walking.


The AfterMath World

Webpage created by T. Nickle - Item Analyzer vSystem.Windows.Forms.TextBox, Text: AM-2.0 - AM-2.0 - Date: March 2015