Way Point Items

You must drink the way point potion inorder to pass
the Act. Each Act is protected by anti-rushing checkers that will
slay your character if you have not drunk the Waypoint Potion for the Act.
The potions are found early on in each Act - before the third waypoint.
There are potions for Nightmare and Hell difficulties as well.

Act 1 Way Point Activation Potion

Travel safely throughout Act 1
Normal Difficulty

Act 2 Way Point Activation Potion

Travel safely throughout Act 2
Normal Difficulty - Act 2

Act 3 Way Point Activation Potion

Travel safely throughout Act 3
Normal Difficulty - Act 3

Act 4 Way Point Activation Potion

Travel safely throughout Act 4
Normal Difficulty - Act 4

Act 5 Way Point Activation Potion

Travel safely throughout Act 5
Normal Difficulty - Act 5

Webpage created by T. Nickle - Item Analyzer v1.0 - AM-2.0 - Date: March 2015